How to run your own EDEJU-Project!

No problem - there are many ways to achieve your project aims.

The first step is, to look at the child’s intrinsic energy to:

- develop its own potentials more...

- discover and imitate its world more...

- dominate and change its surroundings more...

Therefore the child needs freedom and many helping hands.

Anyone can help the child along it's way, including you!

Of course, the parents are the initial source of help and inspiration for the child.

However, in the end, the whole of society is required to participate in and stimulate the process of the child’s natural self-development-activities.

There are so many things you could do step by step:

One interesting and important common aspect is that you don’t need any financial base to begin any of the following activities.
is why anyone can start their own EDEJU-project.

All activities are directly or indirectly income-oriented, making it possible for you as a project initiator to make a living from the project.

Start with one activity and then add others to become step by step an EDEJU-all-rounder.

Inform the parents, educators, teachers and authorities about your paedagogical project and let them know that you are working with the International Institute for the Promotion of the Self-Development of Youth.

Run the mobile paedagogical EDEJU-service more... Eltern über EDEJU informieren Portfolios erstellen


Open a Cleverle-Center more... Service: Portfolios erstellen (statt Zeugnisse)

Care for EDEJU-blended learning activities more... PC / TV und Präsenz TV-Sendungen und Internetseiten veröffentlichen (Rundmail)

Run the Cleverle-service more...

Produce and sell educational toys more...

Open an EDEJU-Shop more... -> Medienverleih

Organize EDEJU-traineeships more... Praktikanten, Lehrlinge etc.

Organize EDEJU-Exhibitions or participate on the relevant ones like hobby or playthings / Toys more... Nutzung aller denkbaren öffentlichen Auftritte,


Realize EDEJU-Knowledge-management more... -> online Bibliothek

Realize the authoring of EDEJU-media more... -> web-publishing CD, DVD etc. Kinderfilme für TV

Organize the EDEJU-Network in your area, district, country or globally more...

Be the EDEJU-ambassador for you’re country more...

Create you’re own homepage more...

Do the EDEJU-web mastering more...

Publish the EDEJU-online-newsletter more...

Care for the actualisation of the EDEJU-Atlas (Individual portfolios etc.) more...

Be the PR-manager to the EDEJU-initiatives more... Alle Medien auf dem Laufenden halten


EDEJU-research and development more... -> what are the best Methods and means to promote the whole range of individual skills?